Zeynep Erdogru

Software Developer


Legacy Languages


Recognizing the ongoing relevance of these languages in certain contexts, I eagerly decided to acquire a foundational understanding of COBOL, Fortran, and Ada. 


By gaining knowledge in these languages and actively engaging in projects, I not only expanded my technical skill set but also developed a strategic perspective on legacy systems.


React Web Application

Project REBL is a web-based application designed to facilitate the analysis and visualization of social media data related to political corruption.

The application utilizes two APIs, namely Reddit and Google Trends, to collect and process data from various social media platforms. By leveraging these APIs, users can gain insights into trending topics, sentiment analysis, and network analysis related to political corruption.

Web Development

React, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, PHP, Python, Java, Ruby 

Database Management

MySQL, Postgres

MySQL, Postgres

Design Tools

Adobe Illustrator, HTML+CSS, Figma, Miro


Google Cloud Platform (GCP), CloudSQL, BigQuery, YAML, JSON, Microsoft Endpoint Configuration, Active Directory, Docker, Oracle, JUnit, R, Microsoft Power BI, Excel, Outlook, JIRA

About me


My name is Zeynep and I am a software developer. 

I recently graduated from the University of Guelph with a Bachelor’s Computer Science Degree and a minor in Marketing. 

During my studies, I did an 8-month co-op as an IT technician. In this role, I gained proficiency in Ticketing Systems, documented technical issues and solutions, and applied advanced troubleshooting techniques to identify and resolve hardware and software problems. This experience significantly enhanced my understanding of computer hardware.

Additionally, I worked part-time for almost 2 years as a Teaching Assistant for the CIS2030 Application and Structure of Microcomputers and the CIS2170 User Interface Design Course. I instructed labs and taught UI/UX concepts, including creating wireframes and prototypes, conducting usability studies, and developing personas. 

I recently concluded my Software Developer Internship at Definity. During this internship, I collaborated with my team on implementing a Relational Data Ingestion Framework for Google BigQuery, utilizing Python APIs and Airflow. I conducted comprehensive validation testing using Hive and BigQuery to ensure data accuracy and consistency. Additionally, I performed performance testing on data processing pipelines to ensure the efficient handling of large datasets. I also worked closely with the business analyst to manage production incidents, update tickets daily, and develop and maintained comprehensive documentation.


Have any questions?  I am always open to talk about new projects, creative opportunities and how I can help you.