
University of Guelph
2018 - 2023
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and minor in Marketing

I studied at the University of Guelph for 5 years, completing 2 co-op work semesters and working as a teaching assistant for 3 semesters.

The Courses I took include:

Computer Science:

– Data Structures

– Software System Development & Integration

– User Interface Design

– Analysis & Design of Computer Algorithms

– Computer Networks

– Computer Security Foundations

– Web Design and Development

– Compilers 

– Software Engineering 

– Discrete Structures in Computing I

– Discrete Structures in Computing II

– Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

– Structure and Applications of Microcomputers

– Statistics I

– Computer Sceince Project


– Introductory Marketing

– Social Media Politics & Society 

– Introduction to Women’s Studies

– Consumer Behaviour

– Individuals and Groups in Organization

– Business and Consumer Law

-Advanced Marketing 

– Marketing Analytics

– Business Communications

– Marketing Communications

– Introduction to Psychology