Legacy Languages

The world of software development is constantly evolving, and legacy languages such as COBOL, Fortran, and Ada are becoming outdated. Although legacy languages are now less commonly employed, certain organizations still depend on them to sustain their applications. 


Recognizing the ongoing relevance of these languages in certain contexts, I eagerly decided to acquire a foundational understanding of COBOL, Fortran, and Ada. My exploration into these legacy languages was motivated by a strategic goal to bridge the gap between traditional systems and modern technologies. I embarked on projects where I applied my knowledge to maintain and enhance existing applications, understanding the unique challenges posed by legacy codebases.


By gaining knowledge in these languages and actively engaging in projects, I not only expanded my technical skill set but also developed a strategic perspective on legacy systems.

Legacy Projects​

1•Cobol Statistics Calculator​

Written in Cobol, this program is designed for statistical calculations. The program uses two dynamic files (input-file and out-file) for input and output. Thus, input and output filenames are provided by the user. The program employs loops to read data from the input file, calculate statistical measures, and utilize a bubble sort algorithm to sort the array. 


This COBOL code utilizes a variety of data structures to perform statistical calculations on a set of numeric data. The primary data structures include dynamic input and output files (input-file and out-file) for handling user-provided filenames. Within the working storage section, numeric variables such as num-count, feof, i, j, and others are employed for control flow and computations. An array (num-array) is declared to store numeric values, and various variables are assigned for statistical results such as mean, standard deviation, variance, quadratic mean, harmonic mean, and median.