Software Developer Intern

Worked with senior cloud data engineers on implementing a Relational Data Ingestion Framework for Google BigQuery, utilizing Python APIs and Airflow.

Undergrad Teaching Assistant

Held office hours, instructed weekly labs, monitored e-mails, invigilated exams, graded labs, assignments, midterms and final exams for 
CIS *2170 User Interface Design and 

•CIS*2030 Structure and Applicatioon of Microcomputers

IT Technician

I have completed my first 2 co-op work terms at Managed Desktops, which is a department of Computing & Communications Services at the University of Guelph. My responsibilities during the work term included:

  • Provisioning new laptops and desktops
  • Managing Active Directory Tasks
  • Troubleshooting Hardware and Software issues


Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.